3/12/24 Here Again…

is one of my favorite Rush songs. It must also be one of my favorite ways of getting through life, because I start so many projects that peter out or remain unfinished, or do so many things perhaps once for the novelty, and l look back months or years later and think, “Why didn’t I keep doing that?” Hopefully, this Website will contribute to changing that behavior. There simply aren’t that many good years left- Momento Mori- and if I don’t change, nuthin’ will get done. For example, I started doing a blog WAY back when, over a decade ago, a free format offered up by google probably, and I was going to focus mainly on type and fonts. Not that I had a passion for that, but as I was just starting to learn computing, I became aware of Unicode and ASCII, and wanted to know all about those and share what I learned. Passion or no, I could have been a complete expert by now, and who knows where that might have led. But, it petered out…

So, here I am again. I wanted to start an Art site, but had no intention of blogging. But I was assured by Martha May Ronson it is a must, so here I am. And, given the way I do things, the site is barely started- I picked a theme, and made some minor changes- but my plan was to use the site to help spur me to make Art again, and since I need a reason to blog, I’ll make this entry and use that to spur me to getting the site done!

And you thought I didn’t have a plan.


4/17/24 New Project


3/13/24 Where I’m At…